Loans Programme
Eligible sports clubs
Sports and Active Leisure clubs in the Berkhamsted area including surrounding villages but excluding Hemel Hempstead and Tring, operating within the terms of the BSG charitable remit. Clubs require to have National Governing Bodies recognized by Sport England.
Purpose of the Loan
Purchase or development of Tangible Assets – buildings, equipment.
Terms of Loan
- Up to 40% of the total funds required for the project. Project plan to be provided.
- Variable interest chargeable at 1% above Bank of England Base Rate with a minimum interest rate of 3%
- Max repayment period 5 years – paid quarterly by instalments
- Backed by club-owned realisable assets or directors’ personal guarantees.
- Minimum loan value £1000 and the maximum loan value is £15,000.
The initial total loan sum reserved for this project is £50,000.